9 Months Out!

A typical 9 month gestation culminates in an 8 pound baby, right? Not for WLS, baby!
Take a look:

Start with a 327 pound woman, subtract an Angelina Jolie amount of fat, and presto! You have ME, today, 9 months later, with 130 pounds gone forever!!

Right now, you can buy an ounce of gold for $606 dollars. If I had shed gold instead of fat, I'd be sitting on a motherlode!! I've lost the equivalent of $1,260,480 of gold bullion!!

As we always said in Weight Watchers, 1/4 pound is equal to one stick of butter. In the last 9 months, I've taken off 520 sticks of butter!!
Or, if we think back to the baby analogy, I've lost approximately 16 newborns (although I would be DEAD if I actually had to take care of 16 newborns!!!).

Which is all to say that I'm VERY VERY VERY happy with my weight loss thus far. If I can keep my current loss (10 pounds/month) going, I'll be almost to my first goal at my one year anniversary! This fit club is definitely helping that--I am working out A LOT and really pushing myself during those workouts. I can already see an increase in muscle tone in my arms and a thinning in my waist/stomach.
Eating is going well, too, although I do need to freshen up my meals--I tend to eat the same three or four things over and over--chicken salad, beans, cheese, protein bars, and protein rich frozen dinners. I need to spice it up a bit!
That's all for now.
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