Hi. [tap, tap] Is this thing on?
So, it's been ridiculously busy over here in Jemville. I mean ridiculous! I've slept about 9 of the last 72 hours, which is good. Or, not. Work has been just awe-inspiring in both quantity and quality these last few (and next) week. Let's just list my recent schedule, shall we?
April 9 (Note that this is not only a Sunday, it's a High Holy Sunday Day of Obligation): Get into office at noon. work, work, work.
April 10: Leave office at 10pm (If you calculate this, you'll find it is a 34 hour work day!)
April 11: 9:00 am Conference Call, Meeting, Work, See National's Opening Day Game, speak at Pre-op Support Group Meeting, RUN Post-Op Support Group Meeting, Home at 10pm.
April 12: 9am Teach, work, gym, Home at 10:30pm
April 13: 10am: Work, gym, Home at 10:30pm
April 14: 10am: Meeting, work, gym, Home at 9:30pm
April 15: Sleep in, read, laundry (EIGHT loads!!).
April 16: 7am: 4 mile run (training for marathon), Jacky over at 11am, rearrange apartment, sort through clothes for Post Op Clothing Exchange & Goodwill, continue rearranging & cleaning apartment for impending Mom visit. Also, forget to call family for Easter.
April 17: 8am: work, meetings, work, teach, work, gym, home at 10:30pm
April 18: 9am: meetings, work, teach, work, work, home at 12:00am, work until 2:30am
April 19: 9am: teach, photo shoot, teach, work, work, work, 2:30am: take nap on office couch
April 20: 6:45am: work, presentation, meetings, teach, work, blog this. Not yet home.
April 21: 7:00am Go to Weight Watchers meeting, 8:15am: Meet Jacky for wedding dress shopping day of fun, 6pm: come home, eat dinner, work until ???
April 22: 9am - 4pm: Presentations all day at Youth Conference, work & prep for NYC trip. Pack for trip
April 23: 6am: training run for marathon 8am: Leave for NYC, 12pm: check into hotel, 1pm: meeting in Brooklyn, 3p - 5p: Shopping (please, please!), 6p: Biz dinner 9p: meet Hannah for drinks
April 24: 9am - 2pm: presentations, possible meetings for Atlanta conference, 2-3p: Shop?!?! 4pm: Train back to DC
April 25: 8am: work, 12pm: meeting, 2:30pm - 6:30pm: teach. At some point today, write your 8 pages of a huge grant proposal due to the state on Thursday. Also, gym.
April 26: 9am-12pm: Teach, 1pm: Pick up Mom at airport. Visit cousin & kids in MD.
April 27: work, turn in grant, teach
April 28: day off w/ Mom
April 29: Host Craft Group Mom-Daughter day at my apt.
April 30: Day off w/ Mom
May 1: work,meetings,teach.
May 2: meeting, drop off Mom at airport, teach, work.
See what I mean, just ridiculous!
So, what else is going on? New resolutions (and I may have even talked about these before, but so what, I'm tired, you can "listen" to me again!)
* train for marathon
* join weight watchers
* body fat challenge at gym
Marathon Training: I've decided to run the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October. This week is week two of training. I'm training according to Jeff Galloway's suggestions, so I do two 3-mile runs (I'm doing about 13 minute miles right now) during the week and start with a 3 mile run on the weekend, and add a mile each week and well, you can read the rest, if you want. The runs are going good--I haven't missed one yet. Right now, I'm not getting in all my cross-training b/c of work, but hopefully I'll get that up to speed as well. I need to buy a fanny pack water bottle contraption, and I'm going to need to look into non-TJ Maxx athletic footwear, especially as I get into the long runs, but so far, so good. Both Jacky and my coworker Matt have run marathons, so they have been giving me some good pointers.
Weight Watchers:
My weight is totally annoying right now. I'm pretty much stationary at 194 - 199, depending on the day and the scale (I did hit 192 for a day a few weeks ago!). I'm definitely allowing some bad habits to creep back, both out of laziness and due to poor budgeting (I totally ran out of money WAY before my paycheck this month, so high protein meals and protein bars were preempted for food that was cheap). I think WW will help in two areas: 1) Reality Check my eating habits. One of the bad things about this surgery are there aren't a lot of guidelines--it's eat protein, don't eat fat and sugar. But you can seriously abuse the "eat protein" priviledge. As I told Jacky in an IM this week--I know eating peanut butter out of the jar is a "protein", but I'm pretty sure this isn't what my doctor meant by protein-rich "meals"! 2) More frequent support/check in. My support group is very good, but it only happens once a month, so getting a weekly dose of positive reinforcement will be helpful.
Like I've said before, and I'll keep saying until it's true: I am NOT stopping this train until I'm at GOAL weight. Losing 130-135 pounds is great, don't get me wrong, but I am in it to win it!
Body Fat Challenge @ Gym
I did sign up for it at the gym. I gave my height as 5'7.5" and my weight at 198 (which is my average weight on their scale). They measured me at 36% body fat using the electric machine (not the calipers). So far, I'm a little dissapointed in the gym because they haven't done any rah-rah or signage. I'm going to MAKE them complete this challenge though, because they advertised it!
Could This Post be Any Longer?
Yes, yes it could. I'm making up for a month of no posting! :) On Wednesday at work, we had a photo shoot for a catalog we're producing. Take a look at some of the photos from that shoot:

I'm teaching here. I don't really like this one because a) bad chin profile; b) weird look on face; and c) bald spot noticeable (do you also notice all those new-growth hair wispys? Yes, they are annoying. Thanks for asking!)

I'm teaching again. And, my hair and bald spot still show. And, is that gum in my mouth? How rude! Apparantly, I make that hand gesture a lot, because people at work all recognized me explaining something in this picture. Also, in unrelated accessories note, that necklace is a Christmas present from my Gma (thanks Gma!).

This is my head shot, which the photographer did off the cuff while I was sitting around waiting for something because all my ACTUAL headshots are of me with my eyes closed or partially closed or just stupid looking. Again with the hair--oh well. I guess I'd rather have a bald patch then the 135 extra pounds. My mom saw this and asked me if I was wearing a shirt--I guess that's a little too much cleavage action for her (but it can be cropped out, Mom!). And, Jacky pointed out (after she gushed, so it's ok!) that my backdrop is the copier machine in our office. But, it's blurry, so that ok, right??
Finally, Finally: A comparison shot set

This is me and my coworker Matt in May 2005. (Yes, he's cute. But he's my coworker AND he's seriously dating one of the nicest girls evah, who also happens to be a member of my craft group, so this is strictly platonic. Ok, Dad?)

And this is me and Matt in April 2006, eleven months later. Seriously, I could look at these two photos all day long--it is so CRAZY to me that I WAS that girl in the first photo. I mean CRAZY!!
That is all. Have a lovely weekend and I'll try to come back and talk to ya'll more next week (or, you know, the week after that....)
April 9 (Note that this is not only a Sunday, it's a High Holy Sunday Day of Obligation): Get into office at noon. work, work, work.
April 10: Leave office at 10pm (If you calculate this, you'll find it is a 34 hour work day!)
April 11: 9:00 am Conference Call, Meeting, Work, See National's Opening Day Game, speak at Pre-op Support Group Meeting, RUN Post-Op Support Group Meeting, Home at 10pm.
April 12: 9am Teach, work, gym, Home at 10:30pm
April 13: 10am: Work, gym, Home at 10:30pm
April 14: 10am: Meeting, work, gym, Home at 9:30pm
April 15: Sleep in, read, laundry (EIGHT loads!!).
April 16: 7am: 4 mile run (training for marathon), Jacky over at 11am, rearrange apartment, sort through clothes for Post Op Clothing Exchange & Goodwill, continue rearranging & cleaning apartment for impending Mom visit. Also, forget to call family for Easter.
April 17: 8am: work, meetings, work, teach, work, gym, home at 10:30pm
April 18: 9am: meetings, work, teach, work, work, home at 12:00am, work until 2:30am
April 19: 9am: teach, photo shoot, teach, work, work, work, 2:30am: take nap on office couch
April 20: 6:45am: work, presentation, meetings, teach, work, blog this. Not yet home.
April 21: 7:00am Go to Weight Watchers meeting, 8:15am: Meet Jacky for wedding dress shopping day of fun, 6pm: come home, eat dinner, work until ???
April 22: 9am - 4pm: Presentations all day at Youth Conference, work & prep for NYC trip. Pack for trip
April 23: 6am: training run for marathon 8am: Leave for NYC, 12pm: check into hotel, 1pm: meeting in Brooklyn, 3p - 5p: Shopping (please, please!), 6p: Biz dinner 9p: meet Hannah for drinks
April 24: 9am - 2pm: presentations, possible meetings for Atlanta conference, 2-3p: Shop?!?! 4pm: Train back to DC
April 25: 8am: work, 12pm: meeting, 2:30pm - 6:30pm: teach. At some point today, write your 8 pages of a huge grant proposal due to the state on Thursday. Also, gym.
April 26: 9am-12pm: Teach, 1pm: Pick up Mom at airport. Visit cousin & kids in MD.
April 27: work, turn in grant, teach
April 28: day off w/ Mom
April 29: Host Craft Group Mom-Daughter day at my apt.
April 30: Day off w/ Mom
May 1: work,meetings,teach.
May 2: meeting, drop off Mom at airport, teach, work.
See what I mean, just ridiculous!
So, what else is going on? New resolutions (and I may have even talked about these before, but so what, I'm tired, you can "listen" to me again!)
* train for marathon
* join weight watchers
* body fat challenge at gym
Marathon Training: I've decided to run the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October. This week is week two of training. I'm training according to Jeff Galloway's suggestions, so I do two 3-mile runs (I'm doing about 13 minute miles right now) during the week and start with a 3 mile run on the weekend, and add a mile each week and well, you can read the rest, if you want. The runs are going good--I haven't missed one yet. Right now, I'm not getting in all my cross-training b/c of work, but hopefully I'll get that up to speed as well. I need to buy a fanny pack water bottle contraption, and I'm going to need to look into non-TJ Maxx athletic footwear, especially as I get into the long runs, but so far, so good. Both Jacky and my coworker Matt have run marathons, so they have been giving me some good pointers.
Weight Watchers:
My weight is totally annoying right now. I'm pretty much stationary at 194 - 199, depending on the day and the scale (I did hit 192 for a day a few weeks ago!). I'm definitely allowing some bad habits to creep back, both out of laziness and due to poor budgeting (I totally ran out of money WAY before my paycheck this month, so high protein meals and protein bars were preempted for food that was cheap). I think WW will help in two areas: 1) Reality Check my eating habits. One of the bad things about this surgery are there aren't a lot of guidelines--it's eat protein, don't eat fat and sugar. But you can seriously abuse the "eat protein" priviledge. As I told Jacky in an IM this week--I know eating peanut butter out of the jar is a "protein", but I'm pretty sure this isn't what my doctor meant by protein-rich "meals"! 2) More frequent support/check in. My support group is very good, but it only happens once a month, so getting a weekly dose of positive reinforcement will be helpful.
Like I've said before, and I'll keep saying until it's true: I am NOT stopping this train until I'm at GOAL weight. Losing 130-135 pounds is great, don't get me wrong, but I am in it to win it!
Body Fat Challenge @ Gym
I did sign up for it at the gym. I gave my height as 5'7.5" and my weight at 198 (which is my average weight on their scale). They measured me at 36% body fat using the electric machine (not the calipers). So far, I'm a little dissapointed in the gym because they haven't done any rah-rah or signage. I'm going to MAKE them complete this challenge though, because they advertised it!
Could This Post be Any Longer?
Yes, yes it could. I'm making up for a month of no posting! :) On Wednesday at work, we had a photo shoot for a catalog we're producing. Take a look at some of the photos from that shoot:

I'm teaching here. I don't really like this one because a) bad chin profile; b) weird look on face; and c) bald spot noticeable (do you also notice all those new-growth hair wispys? Yes, they are annoying. Thanks for asking!)

I'm teaching again. And, my hair and bald spot still show. And, is that gum in my mouth? How rude! Apparantly, I make that hand gesture a lot, because people at work all recognized me explaining something in this picture. Also, in unrelated accessories note, that necklace is a Christmas present from my Gma (thanks Gma!).

This is my head shot, which the photographer did off the cuff while I was sitting around waiting for something because all my ACTUAL headshots are of me with my eyes closed or partially closed or just stupid looking. Again with the hair--oh well. I guess I'd rather have a bald patch then the 135 extra pounds. My mom saw this and asked me if I was wearing a shirt--I guess that's a little too much cleavage action for her (but it can be cropped out, Mom!). And, Jacky pointed out (after she gushed, so it's ok!) that my backdrop is the copier machine in our office. But, it's blurry, so that ok, right??
Finally, Finally: A comparison shot set

This is me and my coworker Matt in May 2005. (Yes, he's cute. But he's my coworker AND he's seriously dating one of the nicest girls evah, who also happens to be a member of my craft group, so this is strictly platonic. Ok, Dad?)

And this is me and Matt in April 2006, eleven months later. Seriously, I could look at these two photos all day long--it is so CRAZY to me that I WAS that girl in the first photo. I mean CRAZY!!
That is all. Have a lovely weekend and I'll try to come back and talk to ya'll more next week (or, you know, the week after that....)